End of the Mobility
After receiving the Transcript of Records from the host university, send it together with the final version of the Learning Agreement by email to the WNPISM Faculty Coordinator, writing in the subject field: End Mobility [Your Name and Surname].
At the same time, settle the exchange with the Office of International Cooperation.

Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records is a list of all the subjects you have taken during the exchange with the number of credits obtained and the grades awarded according to the scale used at the host university. Grades are calculated based on the Learning Agreement – subjects not included in the LA will not be transferred.
Forwarding the Transcript of Records
After receiving the Transcript of Records from the host university, send it together with the final version of the Learning Agreement by e-mail to the Faculty Coordinator. The end of mobility should also be reported to the International Relations Office.
Transferring Grades
Grades are transferred based on the ECTS grading scale, which facilitates the conversion of the marks you earned during your exchange at another university.
Should you have any questions about your grades please contact the section (more information at the bottom of the page).

(+48) 22 55 22 971
To improve email contact with the International Cooperation Section of WNPISM:
- to end the mobility send Transcript of Records and Learning Agreement with the subject line:
End Mobility [Your Name and Surname] to the address swzmpb@uw.edu.pl - for questions regarding grade transfer send an email with the subject line:
Grades [Your Name and Surname] to the address swzmpb@uw.edu.pl - for general questions on Erasmus+ exchange please see our Erasmus website or send an email:
Erasmus Exchange [Your Name and Surname] to the address swzmpb@uw.edu.pl