Before departure you are obliged to:
- agree on a Learning Agreement with programme differences with the Mobility Coordinator,
- inform the Student Section about your participation in the exchange,
- complete all the steps required by IRO (International Relations Office),
- complete all the steps required by the Faculty Coordinator.

The responsibilities of a student qualified for exchange include:
Completion of all steps required by BWZ, the host university and the Faculty Coordinator.
Agreeing on a study program agreement (LA).
Selecting the right subjects for the field of study.
Completion of 30 ECTS credits per semester,
Registration and completion of a diploma seminar,
Taking care of the good name of the University of Warsaw
Settlement of the trip upon return.
Students having citizenship other than EU or EEA countries
A student of citizenship other than that of a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area is obliged, in connection with his/her planned stay as a participant of a bilateral exchange program, to check the rules concerning entry to the territory of the host country.
Exchange programme (Study Plan)
Before going to the host university, the student and the mobility coordinator agree on an exchange programme taking into account programme differences. The programme includes, among others, the choice of subjects and the number of ECTS credits (after converting the credits of a given university) to be completed by the student at the receiving university. After the exchange program proposal is agreed upon with the mobility coordinator, the student submits it to the head of his/her field of study for approval. Once the approval is obtained, he/she sends it to the mobility coordinator by e-mail. Failure to follow the above procedure makes it impossible to accept the exchange programme.
More about the study program in the Study Plan section.
Master’s Seminar
Going on the exchange does not release the student from the obligation to take a master’s seminar (if the seminar is included in the curriculum of the studies conducted at WNPiSM during the exchange semester). The student is obliged to register for the seminar and to complete it on an individual basis.
More on subject requirements in the Learning Agreement bookmark.
Mobility extension
At your request we may extend your stay at the host university provided that you obtain prior consent:
- Thesis supervisor
- Head of Studies
- Mobility Coordinator
The study supervisor may designate program differences to be completed by students extending their mobility, regardless of the number of ECTS credits they have completed.
(+48) 22 55 22 971
To improve email contact with the International Cooperation Section of WNPISM:
- for question about the bilateral exchange please see our website or send an email with subject line:
Bilateral Exchange [Your Name and Surname] to the address