End of Mobility

Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records is a list of all the subjects attended during the exchange with the number of credits obtained and the grades awarded according to the scale used at the host university. Grades are calculated based on the Learning Agreement – courses that are not in the Learning Agreement will not be included.
Sending Transcript of Records
Once you have received the Transcript of Records from your host university it should be sent along with the final version of your Study Plan. In most cases, the Transcript of Records will also be sent directly to the University of Warsaw, but this does not release the student from the obligation to clear the exchange with the International Cooperation and International Research Projects Section of WNPISM. Details on sending the document can be found below in the Contact section.
End of Bilateral Exchange
Courses are settled by the Dean’s Representative for International Cooperation and Research Programmes together with the Mobility Coordinator on the basis of the student’s Transcript of Records.
Subjects completed on the exchange are considered valid if they are related to the field of study and have been previously accepted by the mobility coordinator in the exchange programme.
In case of any doubts, the final decision on the recognition of the courses is made by the study supervisor (signature/mark on the Transcript of Records and indication of any curriculum differences to be completed)
If there is no ECTS credit converter or if there are no grades on a 5-grade scale, the conversion is done by the Dean’s Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation and International Study Programs after consultation with the mobility coordinator.
(+48) 22 55 22 971
To improve email contact with the International Cooperation Section of WNPISM:
- when sending documents to complete the exchange, send an email with the subject line:
Bilateral Transcript of Records [Your Name and Surname] to swzmpb@uw.edu.pl
- if you have questions about converting your exchange grades, send an email with the subject line:
Bilateral Grades [Your Name and Surname] to swzmpb@uw.edu.pl - for questions about the bilateral exchange please see our website or send an email with the subject line:
Bilateral Exchange [Your Name and Surname] to the address swzmpb@uw.edu.pl